Can You Spare a Moment ? A Healing Prayer for Kris Aquino

Can You Spare A Moment of Healing Prayer for Kris Aquino ?
Can You Spare A Moment of Healing Prayer for Kris Aquino ?

Dear Heavenly Father,

Father God Yahweh El Shaddai Elohim Adonai, your Son who is so Dear to us our Savior Jesus Christ told us to trust in you with Prayers. According to Matthew 7:7-8 | 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. and James 5:15: And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

We come before you today with hearts full of love and compassion, lifting up Kris Aquino in prayer. We acknowledge that you are the ultimate source of healing and restoration, and we humbly ask for your divine intervention in her life.

Lord, we recognize Kris Aquino’s significant contributions to the entertainment industry and her influence as a public figure. We ask that you grant her strength, both physically and emotionally, as she navigates through the challenges she is facing.

May your healing touch be upon Kris Aquino, bringing comfort and relief to any pain or discomfort she may be experiencing. We pray for her overall well-being, that you would restore her health and vitality.

Lord, we also lift up Kris Aquino’s relationships to you. May you bring reconciliation and healing to any brokenness or strained connections in her life. Grant her wisdom and discernment as she makes decisions and interacts with others.

As we pray for Kris Aquino’s physical and emotional healing, we also pray for her spiritual well-being. May she find solace and strength in her faith, knowing that you are always by her side. Surround her with your love and peace, filling any voids in her heart and mind.

Lord, we ask that you bless Kris Aquino with a renewed sense of purpose and hope. Guide her steps and open doors of healing opportunity for her. May she continue to inspire and uplift others through her words and actions.

Finally, we pray for Kris Aquino’s loved ones, her family and friends. Grant them comfort and peace as they support her during this time. Strengthen their bonds and fill their hearts with love and understanding.

Lord, we trust in your infinite power and love. We believe that nothing is impossible with you, and we place our faith in your healing grace for Kris Aquino. May she experience your miraculous touch and emerge stronger than ever before.

In Jesus’ mighty name, your Son, we pray. Amen.


  1. Dr. Phoebe Ibanez

    Prayers for Kris Aquino’s healing.🙏🙏🙏

  2. Peralejo Irenel

    God bless you… stay cool… and smile… God loves you.

  3. Cristina

    May God heal yoy Kris and everyone who is in pain.

  4. Arlene

    Thy will be done🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  5. Jojo

    My prayers for Kris.. you are an inspiration… keep the faith

  6. Rose

    May our dear Lord hear our collective prayers of healing for Ms Kris Aquino. In Him, we entrusted her full recovery, Amen 🙏🙏🙏

  7. Dolores Dizon

    Healing prayer for Ms Kris Aquino. Kapit lang

  8. Andrea Aquino

    My most fervent prayer for Kris Aquino for Gods healing hand to let and her caregivers her doctors her sons and sister. Kris is. Cousin to
    me being an Aquino too. I knew her dad my uncle Ninoys her mother Tita Cory and supported her brother when he was running for the Presidency. They are freedom loving humanitarian family. Our ancestors were revolutionary fighter during the Spanish occupation . They loving and generous people so Kris was surrounded by family who are patriotic, God loving, icons ,heros and loyal to the Philippines and its people. Please give Kris our prayers and loving care…

  9. Rene DeGuzman

    Keep her alive under your loving care, Almighty Father, and grant her the strength and wisdom to continue nurturing her children and serve You and Your Will together. Amen

  10. Paul R. Pellejo

    God our Father, Kris’ victory over this health crisis is a glimpse of hope for those who believed in their family’s cause. Let truth shine Oh God… But not my will, but Yours be done. In Christ name. Amen.

  11. Rolito Constantino Patiño

    I pray for Kris Aquino’s healing Lord because i believe she is a public inspiration, as a kind daughter, loving mother, generous community resident, an advocate to the less fortunate, voice for the oppressed and a hopeful ideal leader in public service…… grant her the wellness that she can still be of purpose to all living…..

    • Elsa

      Complete healing for Ms Kris Aquino, in Jesus Name!

  12. Elsa

    Complete healing for Ms Kris Aquino, in Jesus Name!


    Praying po declared healing In Jesus Name

  14. Editha Mirasol

    I pray in Jesus mighty name may his healing hand be upon Kris Aquino body. Touching all the brokenness of her physical and spiritual body. Give her strenght and vitality to fulfill her mission on this earth whatever you have plan for her. Amen 🙏

  15. Esther Leynes

    Prayers for the healing of Kris Aquino

  16. Tatha irog irog

    Get well soon kris❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏

  17. Micksabel

    God love Kris!😍
    And I pray that Kris will heal in Jesus name!

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