Online Voting: YES or NO? Does Filipinos still TRUST Rodrigo Duterte’s Political Dynasty?

Online Voting: YES or NO? Does Filipinos still TRUST Rodrigo Duterte's Political Dynasty?
Online Voting: YES or NO? Does Filipinos still TRUST Rodrigo Duterte's Political Dynasty?

Do You Still Trust Rodrigo Duterte and his Political Dynasty ?
109 votes · 109 answers

Reasons Why Filipinos Don’t Trust Rodrigo Duterte and His Children: Controversies, Lack of Transparency, and Political Favoritism

Trust is an essential element in any relationship, be it personal or political. In the case of Filipinos and their leaders, trust is crucial for effective governance and the well-being of the nation. However, when it comes to President Rodrigo Duterte and his children, there are several reasons why many Filipinos find it difficult to place their trust in them. Let’s explore some of these reasons below:

Controversial Statements and Actions

One of the primary reasons why Filipinos have trust issues with Duterte and his children is their controversial statements and actions. The President, known for his brash and unfiltered remarks, has made several offensive and divisive comments that have alienated certain groups within society. This lack of tact and diplomacy raises concerns about his ability to represent the entire Filipino population.

Furthermore, Duterte’s children have also been involved in numerous controversies. From alleged involvement in illegal drug trades to questionable business dealings, these incidents have further eroded public trust in the Duterte family. The perception of impropriety and unethical behavior is a significant factor in the lack of trust towards them.

Lack of Transparency

Transparency is a vital aspect of good governance. Unfortunately, Duterte and his children have been criticized for their lack of transparency in various matters. From the President’s refusal to disclose his wealth to his children’s alleged involvement in corrupt practices, the lack of openness and accountability raises suspicions among Filipinos.

When leaders fail to be transparent, it creates an environment of doubt and uncertainty. Filipinos want leaders who are open and honest about their actions and intentions, and the lack of transparency from the Duterte family only fuels mistrust.

Family Dynasties and Political Favoritism

The prevalence of family dynasties and political favoritism is a longstanding issue in Philippine politics. Unfortunately, the Duterte family has not been immune to these criticisms. The President’s children, particularly his daughter Sara Duterte-Carpio and son Paolo Duterte, have been accused of using their family name and connections to advance their political careers and gain undue advantages.

This perception of nepotism and favoritism undermines the principles of meritocracy and fairness in the political landscape. It reinforces the belief that political power is concentrated within a select few families, rather than being accessible to all qualified individuals. Such practices further erode trust in the Duterte family and the political system as a whole.

Trust is a delicate and essential element in any relationship, especially in the context of leadership. Unfortunately, the controversial statements and actions, lack of transparency, and perceived political favoritism of the Duterte family have contributed to the erosion of trust among many Filipinos.

Building trust requires consistent and ethical behavior, transparency, and a genuine commitment to serving the best interests of the people. It is crucial for leaders to recognize the importance of trust and work towards regaining it through actions that demonstrate integrity and accountability.

Only by addressing these concerns and working towards rebuilding trust can the Duterte family hope to regain the confidence of the Filipino people.


  1. Fernando Arboleda

    Dutertes are a family if Crook and never a public servant. Giving them a chance to get into power is giving them a reason to to dig for your grave. They work to enrich themselves not to serve the needy.

  2. Carlito Rendon

    I really don’t trust and believe Duterte’s especially now their nefarious activities are being exposed

  3. aj

    duterte family traitor to our country period

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